
Tommy Chong a well known Pot Icon and activist has gone public with the fact he is diagnosed with rectal cancer. The Palace salutes the King Of Pot.  I Hope he fights it and beats it again. Chong was diagnosed with cancer in 2012. The Man is a genius beyond the character of Chong. God Speed Your Recovery and time in this battle.


Snowflakes Macro


Macro Shots Of Snowflakes before they disappear into the ground. I think this brilliance took precision and timing. Russian photographer Andrew Osokin  takes stunning up close and extremely personal shots of many different things in Nature. Animals, plants and in this case these gorgeous “oh so icey ” Snowflake macro shots. As beautiful and diverse as i like. No snowflake the same and that sounds Perfect. Enjoy. The images were all captured using a Nikon D80 or Nikon D90 DSLR and a 60mm or 90mm macro lens. So Real it seems Fake, find more shots………………………………………………………….. HERE.

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